What is the Odd Even Multiple Calculator?
The Odd Even Multiple Calculator is a simple yet practical math tool that helps you generate all odd or even multiples of a given base number within a specified range. Whether you need to find odd multiples or even multiples within a particular range, this tool provides precise results quickly.
Example 1: What are the even multiples of 13 less than 100?
First, we calculate the even multiples of 13:
- 13 × 2 = 26
- 13 × 4 = 52
- 13 × 6 = 78
- 13 × 8 = 104 (this exceeds the range)
Example 2: What are the odd and even multiples of 17 below 140?
First, we calculate the odd multiples of 17:
- 17 × 1 = 17
- 17 × 3 = 51
- 17 × 5 = 85
- 17 × 7 = 119
- 17 × 9 = 153 (this exceeds the range)
Then, we calculate the even multiples of 17:
- 17 × 2 = 34
- 17 × 4 = 68
- 17 × 6 = 102
- 17 × 8 = 136
- 17 × 10 = 170 (this exceeds the range)
How to Use the Odd Even Multiple Calculator?
- Enter the Base Number: Input the base number you want to calculate (e.g., 13 or 17) into the designated field.
- Set the Range: Specify the range you want to calculate within (e.g., 1 to 100 or 1 to 140).
- Select Type: Choose whether you want to find odd multiples or even multiples.
- Choose Output Format: Select how you want the results to be displayed—either as a list, separated by spaces, commas, or other delimiters.
- Click Calculate: The calculator will immediately calculate all the odd or even multiples within the specified range, and you can copy the results for further use.
Usage Examples
Example 1: Find the even multiples of 15 less than 100
Input the base number 15, set the range to "1 to 100", select even multiples, and the result will be: 30, 60, 90.
Example 2: Generate odd multiples of 8 not exceeding 100
Input the base number 8, set the range to "1 to 100", choose odd multiples, and the result will display all qualifying multiples: 8, 24, 40, 56, 72, 88.